Hella Group has acquired Considerable.
Considerable is now Hella

We are family of websites designed for the new generation of adults who are redefining what it means to age and are looking forward to what’s next.

This is a generation less defined by age than by mindset and life stage—a point in time when you are feeling older but not old, when you are still vital, engaged, and considering what you want to do with the rest of your life. At this stage in life, you are reinventing yourself for the next chapter in your life—evaluating what to do with your career, family, money, health, and time – to make the most of who you are and hope to be.

Our goal is to deliver smart, useful, thought-provoking, and engaging content that helps inform and inspire you when it comes to the aspirations, challenges, and pleasures of this stage of life.

Our mission is to grow Hella into a world-class, must-read destination for people like you. We want to become your trusted, expert resource on such important topics as retirement planning, healthcare, family, caregiving, relationships, and fitness, along with fun and interesting stories.

We organized our content to engage and inform you across our five main topic areas: Health, Wealth, Life, Home, and Entertainment.

We also offer smart tools and comprehensive guides designed to help you more easily navigate the critical but often daunting decisions you face at this stage of life. Already available is a guide to picking the right Medicare plan – be sure to check it before open enrollment season! Similar guides for Retirement and Social Security are in the works.

Who we are writing for

Hella is for people who do whatever the hella they want, regardless of their age.

For a generation that refuses to be defined or constricted by age or defined by other’s ideas
of what it means to be 50 or 60 or 70.

You are vital and engaged, still growing, and ready to take on anyone who thinks otherwise.
You are physically, socially, mentally, and digitally active. You enjoy a wide range of activities: from workouts to quality time with your favorite rock ‘n’ roll albums.
You defy labels. You are busy starting businesses, running marathons, socializing and traveling. You are savvy; you put a premium on health and wellness, and you are well connected, and like to adopt new technologies.

You still feel young enough and vibrant enough to do great things.

We hope you will become a regular reader. You can sign up for our newsletter here, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and grow along with us.

If you have thoughts about stories you’d like to see or topics you’d like us to cover, we’d love to hear from you. You can reach us at editors@hihella.com.

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